Curriculum Design for Shreyas Foundation
January 2023–May 2023
The chapter on ‘Heritage’ of the New Education Policy (NEP) attempts to celebrate India by inculcating a deep appreciation for her Cultural Heritage and the Shreyas Foundation was keen to have a futuristic curriculum in sync with it.
The 3 Museums at Shreyas were started as a teaching resource in 1976, hence their curriculum should continue this tradition, while fostering an integrated learning experience for all subjects.
The project was conducted in following stages:
Brainstorming sessions with the Managing Trustee, Principal, Museum staff and educators (‘Karyakars’)
Surveys to understand the knowledge and interest levels of the educators
Interactive workshops with students and their educators which included memory maps
Analysis of all for a curriculum that would be easy to absorb and own
The heritage curriculum was conceived, planned and designed including the entire Shreyas campus as a Learning and Resource Lab for teaching tangible, intangible and natural heritage.
The curriculum proposes to help the students connect to different aspects of heritage through multi - layered narratives and social, cultural, political, geographical, economic and local contexts, understanding of their original significance, symbolism, meanings, systems and purposes, while learning from their own Shreyas campus.
Its objectives are to make the students and educators realise that they are part of an accessible and inclusive global culture and to find their own space and cultural identity in it. The entire curriculum is designed as hands-on activity sessions, with least amount of dependence on digital technology; some workshops ideas owe their origin to ChatGPT.